Emailing Homestead Delinqent List
Login as usual.
Press F7 for Taxes.
Press F10 for Upload/Download
Select 7 for Homestead Rebate Email.
Select your “normal” printer.
Enter you County Code, Municipal Code, The year (two digit) and Quarter 4.
The file “your_user_name.txt” will be in your home folder on the tax server.
For XP users
in the dialog box enter “\\server_name\your_user_name”
Click on the file name (your_user_name.txt), then “right mouse click” select “send to”.
Next select “Mail recipent”
Address the Emial.
For W7 users
<start> (round windows button left side of task bar)
in the dialog box enter “\\server_name\your_user_name”
Click on the file name (your_user_name.txt), then “right mouse click” select “send to”.
Next select “Mail recipent”
Address the Emial.